Decoresine - Planchers de résine – Revêtements en résine
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Decoresine pavimenti e rivestimenti in resina Firenze



Decoresine manufactures quality resin floorings and coverings with exclusive customized solutions, always executed carefully and with handcrafted precision.

Carrying out constant original researches and testing new techniques and materials, Decoresine becomes a safe reference point for any customer who wants to have quality, prestige and elegance from one product only.

Making use of high quality products characterized by an excellent chemical-physical resistance, Decoresine is constantly active in the realization of floorings and coverings in Italy and abroad that are suitable for all environments ranging from the food and chemical-mechanical sector to the commercial and residential sector.

Thanks to our experience in the housebuilding sector and to our quality products we can guarantee any customer high quality results with an excellent look through innovative exclusive solutions carried out with precision and great care for details and also characterized by excellent chemical-physical features as well as by a long life.

With our products we can obtain a wide range of colours and create both antique-like and modern effects, including also all kinds of material such as coloured glass fragments, PVC microspheres etc.

These are only some examples of the possible applications offered by a technology able to invent and design unique original solutions.

The professional competence, the use of new application techniques and the accurate selection of raw materials are the main features characterizing Decoresine, that always guarantees innovative, reliable and high quality solutions.

Pavimenti in resina - Rivestimenti in resina
Pavimenti in resina - Rivestimenti in resina
Pavimenti in resina - Rivestimenti in resina
Pavimenti in resina - Rivestimenti in resina
DECORESINE Italia s.r.l. - Pavimenti e rivestimenti in resina
Via Togliatti, 1 - 56038 Ponsacco (PI) - Codice fiscale e n.iscr. al Registro Imprese 02030960500
Capitale sociale: € 10.000 - Capitale sociale versato: € 2.500
Pec. - Numero REA: PI-175232
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